Directed by Mrittika Kamal
Produced by Dr. Ashrafunnessa, Mrittika Kamal and Shohayel Rahman
Synopsis: The documentary film “Escape” tells the story of how three Rohingya girls escaped from the brutal ethnic cleansing that took place in Burma (currently known as Myanmar) in 2017. They talk about the persecution they faced and how the Military along with the police and local people of the majority community in Myanmar raped, killed and evicted them from their motherland
- Official Selection, Human Rights Short Film Festival, Bangladesh, 2018
- Runner up, 10th International Inter University Short Film Festival (IIUSFF), Bangladesh, 2018
- Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, 2019
- University of Dhaka, 2018
- University of Barisal, Bangladesh, 2018
- Shishu Academy Auditorium, Dhaka, 2018
- Alliance Francaise de Dacca, 2018
- Star Cineplex, 2018