Directed by Mrittika Kamal
Produced by Mrittika Kamal and Shohayel Rahman
Synopsis: In the patriarchal society of Bangladesh, a girl is raised like a goat to be slaughtered – she is fed, taught to read, made to learn household work and then married off to a suitable groom her family chooses for her. This symbolic film portrays the journey of women who do not fall under this criteria – women who want to be more than a piece of meat, who are considered scandals in our society, and yet how they constantly fight for women’s rights with an irrepressible optimism that society will adapt and grant them equal rights one day.
- Honourable Mention, Student World Impact Film Festival, USA, 2022
- Semi-finalist, Los Angeles Cinefest, USA, 2018
- Official Selection, 10th IIUSFF, Bangladesh, 2018
- Alliance Francaise de Dacca, 2018
- University of Dhaka, 2018
- Star Cineplex, 2018
- Bangladesh Shipkala Academy, 2018